Thursday, April 16, 2020

ACT Sample Essay Prompt - Religious Liberty

ACT Sample Essay Prompt - Religious LibertyThe ACT (American College Testing) Sample Essay Prompt for Religious Liberty is available online and on the ACT test kit. For the past ten years, this ACT sample is one of the most popular parts of the ACT test.This example comes from an instance in the history of American democracy when a Democratic Party was formed. Since there was no way of knowing that the Clinton Administration would have a substantial mandate to enact more liberal policies, there was no reason for this form of government to be formed. In this case, the religious right led the way into forming the Democratic Party and was elected as its leader. Although some saw this move as a mistake in the future, the rest of the population viewed it as a positive move.The remainder of the sample comes from the various strategies of the Republican Party during the same time period as religious liberty was being debated. There were a number of examples of the Republicans introducing le gislation that protected the First Amendment rights of religious Americans. These laws included:'In the wake of the Civil War, the issue of religious liberty was at the forefront of the public consciousness. Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, Mormons, and others sought protection under federal and state constitutions in order to maintain their belief in a higher power.''While the issues surrounding religious liberty were at the forefront of the public consciousness in the late nineteenth century, there were instances where members of these denominations faced discrimination by the government. In some cases, such discrimination led to the loss of civil rights and financial hardship. In other cases, the action of a government official escalated a situation that had the potential to lead to legalized discrimination of these religious groups.''Prior to the Civil War, the Republican party had a long history of supporting religious freedom in America. Some noted that the party'more conservat ive members were moved to the political right as a result of the large numbers of Jews in their ranks.'There were instances where these religious groups were unable to practice their religion in accordance with their beliefs, and so they sought out legal protection to practice their religious faith. The most significant outcome of this was the creation of the United States.The ACT Student version of the Religious Liberty sample is a condensed and improved version of the complete text. A concise outline of the history, intellectual underpinnings, and actual outcomes are included. It has been described as an excellent and clear introduction to the topic of religious liberty.

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