Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Two Side Of Abuse - 1406 Words

Danny Furman Richard De Prospo ENG 210-10 4 May 2015 The Two Side of Abuse There are two sides of abuse to every harmful relationship: the victim and the victimizer. This relationship can tend to put stress on someone in order to have them do something they wish not to do or experience an event they wish not to experience. This aspect represents the victim side of abuse. The person or oppression in the relationship that puts stress on another is the victimizer as this side of the relationship can attempt to force ill-will upon their targets. This is the forceful side of the destructive relationship and is always the root of the problem. The characters from Generation X, Less Than Zero, and Twelve undergo a series of harmful relationships that can be construed as a relationship between a victim and victimizer. Some of the characters from each book are the victimizers, while the others are the victims. In each book, the main protagonists Andy from Generation X, Clay from Less Than Zero, and White Mike from Twelve attempt to free themselves completely from their parents’ influence. They are all failed by society and by their parents and crave an identity different from that of their parents. They all fail with this endeavor because they are not properly prepared for the life they set out to live. The parents of these children had more than other parents but still bring their children into an imperfect world. The children are the victim while the parents are theShow MoreRelatedDomestic Marital Abuse Against Women1697 Words   |  7 PagesSilenced Cry: Domestic Marital Abuse against Women In the United States, there are about ten people who die from domestic violence every single day. The U.N identifies October as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. What happens when ‘Home’ is not the safest place to be? 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